Of course the idea of a quick snack when it comes to nursing a baby is relative, it took longer than my son would have liked. We found a dry bench indoors (all the benches outside were of course wet from the rain) out of the way of incoming zoo visitors. My baby girl took her time nursing. Meanwhile, my son found ways to keep his aunts busy. They found one of those photo booths. They did not pay to get their pictures taken but they did pretend to and that was pretty entertaining for my little man. Once my daughter was finished nursing, we headed back outside to see the rest of the exhibits.
We went to see the otters first. There were two in the little habitat and they were giving us quite the show. The two otters took turns sliding down an artificial embankment into the pool. The exhibit was set up so that visitors could see the otters at their underwater play. My son seemed to really enjoy watching the otters wrestle with each other. My son was reluctant to leave the otters but we convinced him that he needed to see the peacocks. We headed towards the aviary which was consequently part of the down under tour of the Australian animals. He was impressed with the proximity of these animals and wanted to move along the path to steer clear of them. We wrapped around the path to the aviary and were greeted by a (in my son’s opinion) very large peacock. It did not show us its beautiful tail feathers in all their glory, but it did call out which made my son jump. He was ready to move on to the aviary. Sadly, the aviary was vacant, all of the birds had been moved indoors for the winter season. So we headed out thinking that our tour of the zoo was over. Before I could tell my son that we were all done, he caught sight of play ground equipment called the “Kid’s Kingdom.” I was hesitant to let him play because everything was so wet, but I figured a little water could not hurt him. He climbed the castle like structures and went down the slides. It had lots of twists and turns and alternate ways to get to each slide. He played for a good twenty minutes. He was tired but I think he really enjoyed the zoo his sister did too!