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A Family Important Events and Anniversaries Calendar

A friend of mine has one of those perpetual birthday calendars on her wall. You know, it’s the kind of calendar you can use year after year to remember people’s birthdays. She doesn’t use it for birthdays though, but for their family anniversaries.

At first I didn’t understand. At my house we celebrate birthdays, and a lot of holidays, and our wedding anniversary. But that’s it for anniversaries. And I remember our wedding anniversary anyway. On my friend’s calendar she has all sorts of anniversary days marked: the day her children learned how to walk; the day they moved into their new house; the day they moved to Colorado; the day she and her husband met; the day they got their dog; the day she went back to college, and the day she graduated.

It would be fun to celebrate the day we moved into our house. We could do a nice thing for our house like buy a new rug, or wash the windows or something. It would be fun to know exactly when we planted the trees in our front yard, or got our car, when we got our reindeer Christmas decorations, and things like that. And I think the boys would think it was cool to remember the exact day we got our Wii, the first time they ran all the way around the track, and the first time we celebrated things like Chinese New Year.

I love this idea of an ongoing event calendar. I only wish I’d heard of it sooner. I think it would make a very nice addition to capturing family history. I love that it emphasizes all the little things and events that make up our years and our lives.

Also See:

A Family Calendar – A Year of Fun

The Complete List of Wedding Anniversary Gifts: From Year One to One Hundred

Calendar of Strange Holidays and Other Events for Scrapbookers In February