Freezer cooking is an easy method to stay frugal and help you save money on food costs. Preparing foods in advance can save time as well. It does require a little extra time once a month, but is totally worth it throughout the month when you are short on time and can throw a meal right into the oven.
This weekend is my frugal cooking weekend. It will start today, and end sometime tomorrow afternoon. Sometimes I do have to do a little on Sunday’s but I am hoping to avoid that this time. That does not mean that I plan to cook round the clock for the next 24 hours. That is not how it works. But sometimes preparation is required ahead of time, as well as some extra cooking. With only one oven and four burners on the stove, I do have to do some of the cooking in batches.
My favorite freezer cooking meals are casseroles. Anything I can prepare in one dish and throw in the freezer is perfect for me. Plus, cooking a casserole could not be any more simple than just placing it directly into the oven.
Often throughout the month, as I know I have mentioned before, I will prepare extra meals while making my family a meal. Those I just put together and throw in our freezer. They are ready when I am ready.
I get a lot of questions each month about freezer cooking. People want to know specifically how it is done, what types of foods I use and are freezable, how I label things, how I store things and other natural curiosities related to once a month cooking, so I thought I’d take some time and write a bit on a subject I know very well. All next week you will find articles on freezer cooking and other meal making tips.
Please let me know if there is something specific you would like to see. For other great articles on freezer cooking you can either visit the freezer cooking section, read my other articles, or visit the forums!
Have a great weekend!
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