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A Fresh Start

If you had your life to live again, how different would it be? Would you make the same choices, and decisions, choose the same marriage partner or would go make the same mistakes? We might speculate about what we might do if we had the chance to start over but we don’t really know. It is all guess work because we can’t start over. Or can we?

The Bible says we need to start again. Everybody needs to make a fresh start. How can we do this?

This same question plagued the Pharisee Nicodemus when Jesus told him he must be ‘born again.’ Being born again – if that’s not a fresh start, I don’t know what is.

The Pharisees believed being right with God was all about going to the synagogue and keeping a lot of laws. That’s what they taught people – the way to be right with God was to keep a lot of laws.

But Jesus tells Nicodemus and us, something far different. It is about a new birth. He is talking about the radical change God brings into lives.

So how can you tell if you have experienced this new birth Jesus is talking about? There are 4 ways.

1. You find that now you want to do those things that will please God.

2. You want to read the Bible and learn more of God and His ways.

3. You talk with God about your plans, hopes dreams, sins, problems and what you do with your time.

4. You go to church not just sometimes but regularly – to worship God, to meet with other believers, and to encourage each other.

Nicodemus struggled to know how he could be born again. Many today struggle with the same question. We can be born again not because of anything to we do but because of what Jesus has already done, John 3:16. Why would God send His Son if there was any other way for us to get to heaven? He wouldn’t. Jesus is the only way, John 14:6. Trust what God tells you in His Word. Repent of your old ways and put your faith in Jesus for a fresh start in life.

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