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A Great Thing about a Home Business: Not Listening to Coworkers Talk to Themselves

Periodically, I like to have a little fun with counting the blessings of the home business owners. Sure, there are those times when I really get a bit envious of those who march off to the traditional job with the great company and the mega-benefits, but other times, I really like to think of the things that I do not have to deal with when I am working at home. Just about anything having to do with coworkers is a good start in the gratefulness department and one of the things that I truly appreciate when I am working at my home business is NOT having to listen to coworkers who mumble and talk to themselves.

Now, for some reason, I don’t seem to be as bothered by my own self-conversations. In fact, I find that I can stay focused and encourage my own work-day endeavors when I talk out loud now and again, but for some reason, I don’t want to listen to someone else clucking as they peruse their e-mails or sighing or even talking to themselves more audibly throughout the workday. To be honest, I have never worked at a traditional-type job where there wasn’t at least one coworker who carried on the conversations with themselves during the day. Since I have such a double-standard about this, working at the home business is probably a better place for me!

Now I only have to ask MYSELF if I am talking to anyone in particular (and, yes, that can be a little awkward.) When one is working in an office, it can get aggravating to have to constantly evaluate whether that person on the other side of the cubicle wall or across the office is talking to me or talking to themselves? Am I supposed to listen? Respond? Ignore and pretend that they are not talking to their invisible friend? Yes indeed, one of the great realities of working the home business is that I only have my own quirks and my own invisible coworkers to contend with; I don’t have to take on anyone else’s.

See Also: The MENTAL HEALTH Blog