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A Larger iPhone and Other Apple Info

Want to catch up on everything that is happening in the world of iMacs, iPods, iPhones and iTunes? Here is the latest news and rumors about what is happening with Apple.

iPhone increaseth

Rumor has it that Apple will bump the storage capacity of the iPhone from 8GB to 16 GB early this year. It is also anticipated that a new 3GB iPhone will be available sometime in June. There is no word on how much either capacity phone will cost consumers.

Apple ad plays homage to the NFL

This past weekend, Apple released a new Apple ad featuring the Mac and PC characters. This one is called “referee” and it pays homage to the NFL, coinciding with the playoffs. In the ad, PC brings along a referee to make sure that Mac doesn’t illegally boast about how the Leopard operating system is more powerful than Vista. But at the end, the referee winds up ejecting poor PC. To see the ad for yourself, click here: http://www.apple.com/getamac/ads/

Apple looks global

In the past, Apple has not be too good at its global marketing; however. It seems that Apple has been making some efforts to correct that position. It has negotiated deals with overseas iPhone providers, for example. Recently, the company invited the European media to the BBC to watch the keynote speech to be given at the MacWorld Expo, which takes place in a week. Rumor has it that Apple will make even more global efforts in 2008, bringing the iPhone to more of Europe, as well as Asia.

Intel releases the new Penryn chips

Intel officially released its new Penryn chips boast increased speed, reduced energy usage and smaller design, thanks to new transistor technology and manufacturing process. The chips are expected to be used in the new Mac machines, to premier at MacWorld.

Mary Ann Romans writes about everything related to saving money in the Frugal Blog, technology in the Computing Blog, and creating a home in the Home Blog. You can read more of her articles by clicking here.

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About Mary Ann Romans

Mary Ann Romans is a freelance writer, online content manager, wife and mother of three children. She lives in Pennsylvania in the middle of the woods but close enough to Target and Home Depot. The author of many magazine, newspaper and online articles, Mary Ann enjoys writing about almost any subject. "Writing gives me the opportunity to both learn interesting information, and to interact with wonderful people." Mary Ann has written more than 5,000 blogs for Families.com since she started back in December 2006. Contact her at maromans AT verizon.net or visit her personal blog http://homeinawoods.wordpress.com