My husband and I were approved for individual life insurance policies very recently. There were a lot of steps involved in the process, and it took a lot longer than I expected it would to go from signing the policy to official approval. Now that we have completed everything, and been approved, it seems that there is one little thing left to do. Each of us received a survey to fill out, regarding our life insurance policies.
I did not expect that anyone wanted written, detailed, feedback about what we thought about the process involved in getting our life insurance policies. Apparently though, someone does, because our insurance company mailed each of us our very own copy of a survey to fill out.
The front of the survey says CAP, and that this is LIMRA’s Customer Assurance Program. A quick google search reveals that LIMRA is a worldwide association of insurance and financial service companies. From what I understand, LIMRA is there to help those organizations improve their marketing.
When I open the folded survey, the name of our insurance company appears. There are a few paragraphs written here that say something to the effect that this survey will help the insurance company “do a better job of service”, based on our responses.
The survey consists of a series of questions that require me to check the box, or boxes, to indicate my answer to the question. The first question has two parts. How helpful was the service provided by your agent? How helpful was our product descriptions and sales materials? I can choose from: extremely, very, somewhat, not very, or not at all as an answer to each of these questions. Next, is a yes/no question: In the past six months, did you purchase a life insurance policy from (the name of our insurance company).
Question three is detailed. For what purpose, or purposes, did you buy life insurance from our company? There are eleven potential answers, and I can choose as many as I feel apply to me. The most obvious choice is: “to help provide money to pay off the mortgage after your death”. The strangest potential answer, in my opinion, is: “as a charitable contribution”.
Question four also has multiple answers to choose from. It wants to know how I am paying for my life insurance policy. The next question is yes/no, and wants to know if I thought my insurance agent reviewed long term goals with me, and found something specific to my needs. The last question wants to know how well I understand my life insurance policy, and I can choose from very well, somewhat, or not at all well as my answer. There is space at the bottom for comments about how they can improve their service. When I finish, I can mail it in the envelope provided, which, conveniently, does not require postage.
Image by Ramunas Geciauskas on Flickr