In Mary Ann’s blog she wrote about electing to buy sensible practical gifts for people in hard times and some of you shared your crafty projects. While I can see it makes economic sense to be practical, one of the things I love about my husband is that he doesn’t buy me things for the house and practical gifts. I would hate that! The thing is he knows home well He knows I like pretty things. They don’t have to be expensive. They do have to be pretty or fun.
We try and make our gifts to each other – not household items or essentials but things we wouldn’t buy ourselves. Mick’s often bought me jewelry. Not diamond and pearls. I’m not a diamonds and pearl woman. But sometimes inexpensive but pretty an unusual piece like the pendant he bought for our last anniversary. It’s made of colored glass in shades of blue – my colors. And it is stunning. Whenever I wear it people admire it. They seem surprised to hear he bought it all by himself. But then, he knows my taste really well and hardly ever gets it wrong.
People also make similar comments about the handbag he bought me made from Thai silk and made in Vietnam. I love it. Everyone who sees it comments on it. And the best part is the money from such a sale goes to help poor families in Vietnam. Or he might buy a cute owl for my collection.
It’s harder buying special gifts for him that are personal and fun and that he wouldn’t buy himself. One time I bought him a model clipper ship, which I now regret as it collects so much dust in the sails. Another time I bought him a silver man that rocks back and forth for his desk – just because I liked it and thought it might amuse him. I will often buy him DVDs or CDs or books I know he will like. One anniversary I bought him a dress ring, again not expensive but unusual.
So while some people may prefer practical gifts in hard times, others of us just like a little spoiling, especially from our spouse.
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