Well, now that Mitt Romney has announced his official run for the republican nomination for president, there are going to be a lot of questions about Mormons and about whether or not a Mormon for president is a good idea. Is it? Well, I say, why not. But, that doesn’t mean I’m jumping on the political bandwagon just yet.
Many Mormons will vote for Romney for the simple fact that he is an active, practicing Mormon. And, while that does comfort me to a point, it is not all that I will consider when choosing who to vote for. After all, I’m sure that Jews and Catholics feel somewhat comforted to know that someone with the same ideals and beliefs as them is in an office of importance representing them. However, how much does religion really play into that extremely important role as Commander in Chief of our country?
Well, let’s not deny that it has no bearing, because it does, but does that mean that because Romney believes the same way I do when it comes to religion that I’m going to automatically vote for him? Nope, it doesn’t. I want to know more, and it is yet to be seen whether or not he is the man for the job. At least in my mind.
While some members of my family will be outraged at the thought that he wouldn’t be the perfect candidate, I know that other members of my family will feel just the opposite. But, every voter has to make that decision for themselves and let’s hope we are making an educated one that involves more than just religious beliefs!
I hope many people in this country who are not Mormon will take an opportunity to really find out what being a Mormon means, and not just listen to the naysayers. Likewise, I hope those that are Mormon will take the opportunity to really dig into his political agenda and find out if he is the person that is qualified to run our country.
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