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A Mystery is Afoot!

Well… a mystery is a-uterus.

First, a quick recap: I went to my doctor before New Year’s for a physical, including pelvic exam. After running down some of my monthly issues — and after finding that my uterus seemed enlarged, the doctor suspected I had fibroids and sent me off for an ultrasound.

The results of my uterus are in… and they’re not quite clear. The ultrasound showed that I have two pretty good sized growths. One is inside the uterus; the other is outside the uterus. In fact, the outside growth is larger than my uterus itself.

For the curious, here are the dimensions: my uterus measures 11cm long, 3cm wide, 2cm deep. The external growth is long, 10cm wide, and 8 cm deep. The internal growth is 6cm long, 4cm wide, and 4cm deep.

The two growths aren’t clearly fibroids — at least not as shown by the ultrasound. They could turn out to be unusual fibroids, but I’ll need more tests to be sure. The next step is for me to have an MRI.

When talking to me, the doctor used scary words like “abnormal” and “fast growing”. I immediately called my mom, my aunt the nurse, and some close friends to share the news… which isn’t much news at all, yet.

I’m not scared, but my brain is slow to believe what’s going on. After reading the info packet the doctor gave me about fibroids, and doing some research on my own, I was ready to hear something different: “you have fibroids, we’re going to try some hormone therapy to shrink them and then check you again in a few months.”

Instead, my abnormal uterus and I will be having another scan, with the hopes that the MRI will give the doctors a clearer view of what’s going on.

My aunt suggested that they might also want to do a biopsy of one or both of the growths to help figure out what they are — if they turn out to not be fibroids. But I’m going to take it one step at a time, and step one is the MRI. I’ll let you know how it goes.