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A New Club

I recently found out that two of my co-workers have children. Since these two individuals hold positions in academia that I aspire to it was nice to know that I wouldn’t be alone in parenthood. I’m certainly feeling the gentle tug of doubt this semester as I am still in preparation for my final exams. Since I’m also teaching, doing graphic design, working on my dissertation, and staying home with our son my time feels shorter than ever. With a book constantly by my side and a computer never far away I am constantly aware of the amount of work I need to do. I needed something to soothe my on-edge nerves.

Sure enough I found it in successful professors who also have children. Their ability to do what they do without being overly flustered (at least not on the surface of things) gives me hope in my own ability to get through this difficult time in my own life. Studies, teaching, writing, reading and testing never really go away once I’ve earned the degree and hopefully a job. They are an ever-present task. Children, too, are ever-present. I don’t like to think of children as a task (for they are a blessing and a surpising source of stress-relief) but too often we may think of them as one.

Listening to these two talk about their children with the inclusion of soccer games and birthday parties made me realise how much less complicated my newly walking son is. He doesn’t have his own schedule to attend to (he only has his parents’ schedules). Right now he’s having a snack and he’s finished it. He’s pounding away on a surface, happily, because that surface is now empty. I can tell he wants something more. I’ll get up now, get him some more crackers, refill his water, and give him a hug. He really is wonderful and I’m happy to be in the club of parents.