Yes, it’s been a while since I signed up for any make money from home ads, but I am always still looking for legitimate opportunities. Years ago, I tried many of these programs, only to be disappointed. I was of course attracted to the “make crafts from home” ads, and who wouldn’t be? Wouldn’t it be great fun to make craft projects whenever you felt like it and pull in thousands of dollars?
When I was wading through those ads, the theme was to purchase a starter kit and “start making money today!” The only problem was, the crafts were junk and the company would only pay you for completed projects that they said were up to their standards. With most companies, none of your items would ever be good enough, no matter how closely you followed the instructions and no matter how well you put a craft project together. In essence, they were in the business of selling craft kits instead of paying people to assemble crafts.
The new twist is that now some companies don’t even claim that they will buy your finished crafts. They still sell you a kit and make promises of lots of money, but they want you to sell your wares at craft shows or on E-bay. At least you won’t waste money on postage sending in your finished crafts only to have them rejected.
The point is that anyone who is reasonably talented when it comes to making crafts can make their own products to sell instead of buying a starter kit that is often filled with less than top quality materials. You can select your own craft supplies to guarantee you are getting quality items at reasonable prices.
You can make money selling crafts, but I personally believe that you would do better on your own. You can take advantage of great craft products at leading craft stores and you can find great deals online. You can make just a few of each item until you find out which ones actually sell.
Don’t waste your money on promises. If you want to sell crafts, do your own thing.
*Check out Crafts Fair Online for some good resources.