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A New Way To Create a Family

We certainly live in interesting times. The traditional family is not what it used to be and we’ve adjusted. Now someone has come up with a new way to be a family. It’s called Modamily. It’s like a dating website but instead of going there to find your life partner you build a profile in order to find someone with the goal of having and co parenting a child together without the normal formalities.

Is it just me or is this a little strange? I know there are women who choose to become single mothers for many reasons, maybe they haven’t met anyone and they feel their biological clock ticking, so they choose to have a child alone.

I assume that since there are women who feel this way their must be men who feel this way as well. It’s easier and less expensive for women to become single parents of their own biological children, most sperm banks accept single women as clients. But what do men do?

I guess that’s where this website comes in. It is strictly for the purpose of finding a co parent and having a child. I guess there are benefits, you will not have to support or raise your child alone, Theoretically you will have someone to share the good days and the bad. Would it really turn out that way?

If you have a child with someone that you would not want to have a relationship with would it be easier to co parent than to become a single parent after being married to someone you loved? In some ways it would appear to be easier, there isn’t that history between you, there is no animosity from a divorce but what about the down side?

On this site you look for someone with similar child rearing views. I don’t know about you but after Hailey was born a lot of my views changed, what would happen then? Would you be violating a contract if the two of you agreed on public school and now that Junior is five you want your co parent to spring for half of private school?

In this brave new world we live in there are all kinds of ways to make a family. I just can’t imagine how making a family with a total stranger would work, or even why you would want it to.