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A Novel Approach to Marital Advice

Recently in response to a blog, Andrea,one of our families.com members shared some advice she was given before marriage by her mother and brother. Heidi and Hunterchad also had great advice. No doubt, we’ve all been given marriage advice at some time or another, some of it good and some not so good.

A young couple I know took a novel approach to this. I admit, I’m not a fan of kitchen teas but this one sounded a better idea than most. Each woman invited, including the bride to be’s future mother in law and a number of older women, as well as the bride to be’s young unmarried friends, was asked instead of the usual gifts to bring their best piece of advice for a happy marriage.
Similarly instead of the traditional bucks’ night that can tend to get out of hand, the young man invited a number of older men, including his future father in law as well as his mates. They too were asked to bring along their best piece of advice for marriage.

Some of it was humorous but containing an element of truth. Most people took the idea seriously and genuinely wanted to help the young pair by sharing things they’d found helpful in their marriage. Or in the case of the young unmarried, things they’d seen work in their parent’s marriage or their ideal.

After the kitchen tea and the bucks’ night the young couple sat down together to go over the advice they had been given. They had a laugh at some. But were really l keen to find those gems of advice that could be incorporated into their married life together.

What was the most useful piece of advice you were given before marriage? For my part it would have to be not going to bed angry. Also in more than 40 years together there has not been a day when my husband and I have not told each other ‘I love you’ and showed that in some way.

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