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A Pick-Me-Up For Parents

I love being a mom. I thank God every day that I can stay at home with my daughter and be the person who spends every day with her during these very impressionable years. There’s nothing I’d rather be doing.

And yet, the fact that I love being a mom doesn’t mean I always feel happy and fulfilled. Although my daughter is only 11 months old, there are some stages where I’m not quite sure what to do with her. When she was a newborn, it was easy; all I did was feed her, hold her, and change her diaper, and she was happy. Now that she’s older, she likes being entertained. Some days I’m at a loss for what to do.

On days like that, I sometimes start to feel annoyed, even bothered, by my daughter’s constant demands. I wish she could play by herself a little longer so I could get something done. When I catch myself feeling that way, I look around for reminders of the blessing children are. I always want to view her as a pleasure and a blessing, never as a burden.

I stumbled across a website, www.enjoyparenting.com. In it, you can sign up for a daily email that is meant to inspire and encourage you. The brief email’s intent, according to the site, is to provide, “a quick boost to start or end your day with. It’ll help you leave behind the daily grind, to find and stay ‘in your groove’ — focused in ways that enhance the joy of parenting!”

I quickly subscribed, and have been very much enjoying the daily messages. While all of them don’t necessarily apply to a baby, they all give helpful tips and tricks that focus parents on the joys of parenting.

To get an idea of what the tips are like, read the tip I received today, entitled, “Say Yes First,” by clicking here.

If you feel like you are stuck in a parenting rut, click here, and sign up for the emails. They might be the pick-me-up you need.

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About Rebecca Wilkens

BabyLed is the married mother of one beautiful daughter. She and her family live in the Midwest of the United States. BabyLed loves learning new ways for her family to be healthy and happy. She is a strong believer in attachment parenting, cooking from scratch, and alternative medicine (but is very thankful for conventional medicine when it is needed.). She would much rather avoid illness by living a healthy lifestyle than treat an illness after it has arrived. BabyLed loves reading, cooking, nature, and good old celebrity gossip. BabyLed graduated from college with a degree in Elementary Education. After teaching preschool for two years, she quit her job to be a fulltime mommy to her infant daughter. Being one of those "paranoid, first-time mothers" has led to her reading many books and articles on parenting and children. Although she has been around children her entire life, the birth of her daughter gave her a whole new perspective on what children are all about.