Every once in a while, a few times a month, I try to schedule a time for my son (and daughter) to get together with other children their age. Most often our play dates are with their cousins (brother and sister) the boy is ten months older than my son and the girl is four weeks older than my daughter (who is only three months old). Every few months I plan a play date with one of my long time friends, who has three boys. Recently, I was able to plan a play date with a mom that I met at a la leche league meeting in Texas two plus years ago when I was pregnant with my son.
Out of the blue I got an e-mail from this particular mom. She said she saw a photo of me with my newborn daughter on the wall at my midwife’s office. She asked the midwife about it and determined that I was the person she knew in Texas. She told me that she and her husband moved to the Midwest a year ago to a small town very near where my family and I live. What were the odds of the both of us breastfeeding moms moving to the same place fifteen hours away? I excitedly responded and we made plans for a play date. She has two daughters one that is three (she and my son “played” together a few times as infants) and the other is eighteen months. We were able to meet at her house (to accommodate the eighteen month old’s nap). The children had a blast playing together and my daughter enjoyed their bumbo and sleep and play rocker. It was a great opportunity for us (moms) to catch up too! It was a wonderful play date for both the kids and the moms and we are planning another one soon!