Lunch time was a the most hectic part of the girls’ play date. They all wanted to eat at once, which is no great surprise when three infants are involved. This whole situation was slightly stressed by the fact that we only have one high chair and a tableless bumbo. The most upset girl got the high chair. I gave her some bits of cheese and frozen organic cheese to tide her over while I made her peanut butter toast. My daughter seemed to be the least upset (and it is no wonder being in her own house) so I got the other cousin into the bumbo on a chair and scootched her up to the table. Her mom had made her a lunch of cheese cubes and meatloaf in what I thought was an extremely generous portion for an eleven month old, but she devoured every bit without pausing to take a breathe (it really was a sight to see). Once all the girls were eating and content, I made my son and I some lunch too. Our afternoon play date adventures were a little more cranky. Even though the girls had eaten lunch, they seemed quite dissatisfied. All three girls are breastfed and I got the impression that they were missing their after lunch nursing session. When I paused a moment to give my daughter a short nursing session, the other girls both scrambled for my nap, one of the cousins even started to frantically sign milk. Thankfully my daughter only wanted to nurse for a few seconds and was happy to resume playing with her cousins who also seemed distracted, at least for a while, from wanting and needing some milk. During this time the girls found another spot right in front of the large living room window to play. Even though there was plenty of space for the girls to stand comfortably, they all clamored for the same space. Since it was a nice day, I decided to leave the front door open with the screen door locked but with the glass panel down for air flow. The girls made this their new hangout spot while the squished together against the screen door. They played this way for a while until one of the cousins was ready to take a nap. After she was asleep the other two girls also went down for a nap, which made for a happy ending to the girls first play date!

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