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A Question A Week: The Home Office

This is ongoing series where I ask a question a week to my readers. To see the post where this all started, check this out.

This week I wanted to talk for just a minute about the home office. I realized as I wandered around my house, working at different places throughout the day, that my having a laptop has really influenced how I work. I have four favorite spots to work: At my desk in my office (yes, I do sit there occasionally,) the rocker chair in my office, the bed in the master bedroom, and the couch in the living room. Wherever the urge takes me, I go with my laptop. It works really well, and I realized that the occasional change of scenery is a huge help to me. Going to a new room or a new chair helps stimulate the creative juices. I do have a dedicated home office where I have a nice set up (desk, chair, small bookshelf, printer, etc) and that’s actually where I’m at right now, but I only use the office perhaps 50% of the day. The rest of the day, I’m wandering into other rooms.

With a three-bedroom house and no kids, my husband and I have it evenly split up: One room for the hubby, one room for me (my office) and one room for our bedroom. It works quite well, but I know that when we have kids, we’re either going to have to add onto the house or something is going to have to give, which isn’t going to be pretty! We’re used to our independence. We have been living like this for almost five years, so it’ll be hard to give up our individual rooms when the kids come. Of course, we’ll be so happy to finally have kids, I don’t think we’ll notice! lol!

That’s me–what about you? How many of you guys have a dedicated home office? How about just a desk set aside, that is all yours? Does anyone have their own computer that they use, vs the one that the kids use? If you work from home, where do you normally work at? Let’s hear it!

Don’t forget–you can respond two ways: Writing a comment below, or by dropping me a line at Hava L (at) Families dot com if you prefer to keep your input anonymous. Thanks!