After Christmas there is always a bit of a letdown. Even thought the hustle and bustle of the season gets to be too much, once it’s gone, I kind of miss it. After Christmas is one of my favorite times as a parent. Hailey and I don’t have anything to do or anywhere to go, we can just hang out at home and enjoy each other’s company.
When Hailey was younger the week between Christmas and New Years seemed to last forever. On Christmas Day Hailey would go to her father’s until New Years Day. That was always a long week, but also an enjoyable one. After all the busyness of the holidays I had a few days of down time. Just me, the dog and the Christmas tree.
Although I missed Hailey it was still nice to have a little time to myself in the middle of winter. I learned to enjoy that time. I usually get books for Christmas and it was wonderful to have some uninterrupted time to read. Now that Hailey is older, she is home, but we both work and our evenings are spent quietly together. Usually I’m reading and she is either reading or on the computer. Quiet time with my favorite girl.
Now that Hailey is eighteen I keep thinking about that fact that soon I will have a very empty nest and no one to share it with, what will that time after the holiday’s be like then? I try not to be sad about it. Leaving home is all part of growing up but it still feels like its come too quickly.
As crazy as my life was as the single mother of a young child, sometimes, I miss those days and wish we could go back. Then I remember how crazy it really was and I’m grateful that we made it through in one piece!