If you are looking for a comprehensive guide to family preparedness you should consider “Dare to Prepare!” by Holly Drennan Deyo. This guide has close to five hundred pages of detailed information on family preparation. It is organized in a clear and concise manner. It is a good book to have on hand when preparing your family for a disaster.
This guide is very comprehensive because it has chapters that address individual natural disasters, as well as manmade disasters. You can learn how to protect your family during a terrorist attack or a nuclear attack. You will learn how to provide first aid in the different situations. The sections on different natural disasters share an example of the natural disaster, give advice on how to prepare, cope during it, and clean up afterwards.
The book opens with the basics, a 72 hour kit and water treatment. It goes on to discuss food storage, and how to store it. From there it goes on to give detailed information on how to deal with day to day life, if the conditions were to become permanent. She gives instruction on everything from soap making to making diesel fuel.
You will also cover basic survival skills such as cooking without power and how to properly dispose of your waste. The cooking chapters do include several recipes as well. She also shares resources where you can find additional recipes. The guide does include a chapter on how to protect your pets. You can also learn about how to deal with the stress that follows a natural disaster.
This book provides a lot of detailed information. If you were to follow the guidelines in the book, your family should be prepared to handle any emergency. This book is definitely worth looking at. The information is well researched, and based in fact.
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