I am borrowing an idea from Heather Long and reviewing the week in Parenting. There have been some great blogs written on some important topics. But often parents only see the first few blogs and miss the rest. So here is a review of this week’s Parenting topics.
Monday September 18th.
“Teaching Good Judgment” is an important skill that many parents fail to teach their children. This is obvious by the many teens and young adults that are making such bad decisions. Read this blog for some ideas on how you can teach your child good judgment.
“Should Partners Of Women Of Advanced Maternal Age Attend Genetic Counseling Sessions?” For answers to this question you will have to read Myra’s blog.
“Teens Win Big When They Volunteer.” Who knew that something so simple as volunteering could have such a big impact upon a teen’s choices and life.
All children like to help, but often parents squelch this desire. Because let’s face sometimes it is easier to do things by ourselves. But Myra shares how her son helps her in her blog “My Big Helper.”
Tuesday September 19.
Myra also shares with us her “Parenting Predicament: Kissing and Your Preschooler.” My daughter went through the same thing at age two and wanted to do long kisses. I would just pull away kiss her on the nose and tell her I loved her. After a few weeks she realized that I wasn’t going to kiss her that way and stopped. I agree with Myra that with older children you can explain why it isn’t appropriate. You shouldn’t kiss your children the same way that you do your spouse.
I wrote a follow-up blog to Homosexual Agenda Being Promoted In Schools titled “Should Textbooks Be Written To Include Homosexual Achievements?” where I discuss why I don’t think textbooks need to point out a person’s sexual preference when discussing their achievements.
As parents it is easy to get into a slump. Which is why Myra shared a blog on the book “52 Weeks of Active Parenting,” which gives parents ideas on how “to promote family bonding and also as a way to simply have a little fun.”
“When Should Kids Start Their Homework?” Obviously this topic is up for debate since the responses to the blog vary from right after school to before or after dinner. All the respondents, as well as MyraTurner, have good reasons for having their child do their homework at a specific time. When do your children do their homework?
Wednesday September 20.
Parenting Books to Tickle Your Funny Bone Part I and Part II. We all have those parenting moments that were horrible at the time but we can now look back on and laugh. It’s nice to hear about other parent’s moments and realize that we aren’t alone.
“My First Open House.” With school starting many parents can relate to this experience. And sadly enough many open houses are just like the one Myra Turner experienced. With the parents that really need to come not showing up.
Thursday September 21.
Parents Worry More About Saving for College Than Saving For Retirement. It isn’t surprising to me that parents worry more about college than retirement. Parents today are more worried about being good parents than any other generation of parents. Parents today work harder so their children can have more, read more parenting books, and try harder to develop a good relationship with their children. Today’s parents also realize that without a college education their child will probably not be successful and college is expensive. I guess they can always hope that if they save for their child’s college education then their child will make enough money to support them through retirement.
In my blog, “Share Beliefs and Values.” I remind parents why it is so important that they teach their child beliefs and values at a young age and not when as a teenager a decision needs to be made.
“Who Said That Two Is So Terrible?” I did. But Kaye Siders disagrees. She shares why her four-year-old is her “terrible” child and her two-year-old is mommy’s little angel. All I can say is it depends on the child because I definitely had a terrible two-year-old who since turning three is actually a lot better.
Friday September 22.
Reading is extremely important and Myra outlines what an “Effective School Reading Program” should be like in this blog.
“Stricter Parents Have Chubbier Kids.” I am surprised as Myra by this finding and just like her, don’t think I really believe it. I know many parents that are strict, myself included, that don’t have chubby kids. And many permissive parents who let their children eat sweets, chips, and soda whose children are overweight.
Kaye Siders in her blog “What Surprises Me about Parenting” reminds us why having kids is so great. It is really the little moments that count. And yes, although we can’t explain why the sight of vomit used to make us want to vomit ourselves and now we can catch it in our hands we all do it.
Should 6-year-olds be wearing padded bras? This is the question I address in my blog. Since stores in Australia are now selling bras for kindergarteners. Are you as appalled as I am?