At a glance:
Grade level: K-6th
Use as: stand alone
Instruction time: moderate to high
Prep time: moderate to high
Perspective: secular but would not conflict with Christian teachings.
Real Science 4 Kids covers physics, biology and chemistry for elementary students. The program consists of a teacher’s manual, ten chapter student textbook, and student lab book. Real Science 4 Kids offers a teacher’s manual that consists of all three topics or individual topics. The teacher’s manual is essential to the program. It details the chapters in the student textbook, offers insight and explanations, and gives details for the science experiments. Each chapter covers material in an easy to read format with colorful illustrations and larger font. The chapters are detailed in explanation yet do not overwhelm the student or speak above the student’s head. Real Science 4 Kids gives a wonderful explanation of the scientific method and keeps reinforcing it through all the experiments and chapters. The chapters contain just the right amount of knowledge and detail to get a child interested in science. To enhance the study there is a lab experiment following the end of each chapter. The experiments have easy to follow instructions and use mostly common household items. A list of the items required for each experiment can be found in the teacher’s manual for you to plan ahead.
This curriculum is wonderful to use for multi-ages. My 5th and 3rd graders used this curriculum together. They looked forward to the experiments every week and even the lessons. They enjoyed reading the textbooks because they felt they understood the basic principles of our area of study without having to read long “boring” chapters. Most of the experiments could be performed by the students with only supervision from the teacher. This was another positive point for my kids who love to do things on their own. I did however have to help them fill in their lab books with the data at first.
I would have to say that instruction and prep time can run from moderate to high. Proper instruction comes from reading the teacher’s manual and understanding the material yourself. This is not difficult but it will take you the time to read through the entire material first. Prep time is based on prepping yourself to teach and prepping your “lab” and individual experiments. Honestly, only a good science curriculum will demand some instruction and prep time. Do yourself a favor and your children a favor and look into Real Science 4 Kids. This is great for those familiar and unfamiliar alike when teaching this subject.
Related Links:
Sea Monkeys and Teaching the Scientific Method
Homeschooling and Animal Planet
Websites for keeping homeschooling fun.