While I fine-tune my diet, I’m researching what other people are doing. I look for people who have maintained weight loss for a number of years. After all, they must be doing something right. Sometimes, I come across experts who really explain issues with weight loss in a way that I can understand. Although knowing the science behind their reasoning is helpful, I don’t have the time, patience, or attention span to muddle through a bunch of five dollar words or a gazillion pages of text. Give it to me straight and let me see if I can work with it. That’s how I operate. Like so many people, I want a plan that is simple and easy to follow. I want to lose weight and I don’t want to regain the pounds.
Stick with me for a few more minutes while I tell you about the latest book I’m reading. It’s No White at Night The Three Rule Diet by Bill Gavin, M.D. Gavin is a cardiologist who specializes in cardiovascular disease, internal medicine, and interventional cardiology. He created a simple, memorable diet plan for his patients, his mother (an insulin dependent, diabetic), and himself. The complaint that he heard from his clients, concerning weight loss, was that most diets were too complicated. They didn’t want to: count calories, buy special foods, or weigh foods. So, he created a plan which requires you to remember these three things:
1. Don’t skip meals; have three a day.
2. Every meal should include lean protein.
3. Don’t eat white foods at night.
Okay, even I can remember that. (Usually, I can’t remember my home phone number.) The first rule is a given. You have to eat regularly. Skipping meals can cause a person to eat too much or to consume too many calories late at night. Gavin claims that eating lean protein, with every meal, lessens your appetite. As for the white foods (also known as starch), he says that weight loss is possible if foods with a low-glycemic-index are consumed. Instead, eat veggies or salad with evening meals (control insulin levels). Gavin also includes: a section on weight loss maintenance, a section to help diabetics who want to lose weight, strategies to use if there isn’t any weight loss, and recipes with nutritional values listed. This is not a huge book, but there is a great deal of information in it.
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