I just watched part of Diane Sawyer’s TV interview with Jaycee Dugard. She’s the woman, who was kidnapped in 1991 when she was 11 years old, and held captive for 18 years by pyscho Phillip Garrido and his wife Nancy.
Dugard spoke about being imprisoned in Garrido’s backyard where she was
repeatedly raped as a child and later gave birth to two daughters (her first when she was just 14 years old) fathered by her sicko kidnapper.
Dugard told Diane Sawyer: “I didn’t know I was in labor. I was still … locked [in] at the time. Just scared.”
Still, during her entire 18 years in captivity, Dugard says she maintained her sanity thanks to her mother’s love. Dugard told Sawyer that there wasn’t a day that went by that she didn’t pine for her mom, Terry Probyn, whom she has since been reunited with.
For her part, Probyn says that despite not knowing what happened to Jaycee for nearly two decades, their unconditional mother-daughter bond was never compromised.
Contrast that with the other mother making headlines last week—-Casey Anthony.
A new poll out shows that nearly two-thirds or Americans believe that the “morally bankrupt” party girl did in fact kill her two-year-old daughter Caylee, despite being found not guilty of the heinous crime on July 5th.
Since the verdict came down a Facebook campaign, “Prevent Casey Anthony from Profiting,” has been launched and several versions of “Caylee’s Law” have been proposed. The legislation would force parents to report missing children within the first 24 hours of their disappearance.
The fact that we would need a law to “force” parents to report their child as missing says a lot for the pathetic individuals who squander the blessings that are their flesh and blood.
Back to the new Facebook page which was designed to deter Casey from raking in millions from the murder of her daughter. The page description reads:
“A beautiful toddler was tossed in a swamp to rot, and her mother got away with murder. In today’s society bad behavior is rewarded by book deals, movie of the week and even reality TV shows. Caylee Anthony’s memory deserves more, for her and for all children of child abuse and abandonment. Boycott all industries and corporations who choose to reward her for throwing her child away like trash.”
Not for nothing, but I really hope Casey Anthony was given TV watching privileges tonight in prison so she could tune into Jaycee Dugard’s interview. Goodness knows she could learn a lot from the kidnap survivor.
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