When I accepted the position of health blogger for Families.com, I began to think about what I wanted to accomplish and what I thought you might want to see in a blog on health.
Health is a large topic and an even larger part of our lives. There is so much information available and science keeps moving forward with new studies and new information all trying to tell us how to be healthier and live better lives. Keeping track of all of this information and figuring out how to best use it can be a very daunting task.
I’m not an extreme health nut, I am a nurse and I love to learn how to make myself and my family healthier. The problem is I’m also very human. Let’s face it. We all know that we should eat more fruits and vegetables, but that cookie is somehow just more exciting than the logic behind healthy eating.
The first of the year is traditionally a time for resolutions. Health and fitness clubs and the diet industry face their busiest times as we all scramble to find ways to take charge of our health.
I’d like to be realistic about this whole thing. I know there are lots of things I should be doing. Even some that I should do that I’m stubborn enough not to do no matter how good it may be for me. I’m making the assumption that we are a lot alike.
So, this is what I plan to do. I’ll give you lots of information each day, but I’ll give you something else as well. It’s easy to say “this is what I need to do to feel better” it’s another thing all together to do that every day until it becomes a habit.
Just like AA I believe in the one day, one step at a time method. Each day you can log into Families.com and find a “Health Tip”, one simple thing to do, just for that day. I can’t do everything perfect everyday, but I can do one thing each day. Let’s take it a day at a time and try something healthy every day. Hopefully when the evening comes we can look back together and say: “I wasn’t perfect at everything, but I did something healthy today”.
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