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A to Z Educational and Fun Summer Activities: A-H

Summer is almost here and school is nearly out for vacation. Over the next few days I would like to introduce you to 26 A to Z fun and educational summer activities for children. I hope you enjoy them!

A= Ants! Ants can be very fun and educational! Let your child observe an anthill (make sure it is not a fire ant hill)

B= Butterflies! Caterpillar larva can be purchased from various websites. Try purchasing some and watch them grow into large caterpillars and then beautiful butterflies. I have completed this activity with students and family members.

C= Cooking! There is no better place to learn math than in the kitchen. Depending on your child’s age, the kitchen is a wonderful place to introduce fractions, measurement, and more!

D= Drop everything and listen! Conversation is a wonderful language builder fro children. Try sitting down and actually listening to your child. It is amazing to hear the thoughts that a child has in his mind. Most children are very eager for your attention and to share with you.

E= Eat together! I know your have heard it, but the family table is a wonderful learning experience. In addition to supporting language and literacy, the family table can also help children understand the importance of eating healthy.

F= Friends! Make sure that your child keeps in touch with school friends. Occasionally invite on over to play. In addition to academics, social skills are very important.

G= Grocery stores! Take your child grocery shopping. The grocery store can also be a great educational venture. Let your child estimate how much he or she thinks the bill will cost. Have your child compare prices. Give your child a list of items to locate.

H= Helping Hands! Help others out this summer by planting flowers for an elderly neighbor or watering plants for a family on vacation. Child can learn a lot and develop a good character by helping others.

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