My diabetic education specialist says that people don’t get diabetes because they’re fat; they get fat because they’re diabetic. This would be a lot easier to swallow if it wasn’t coming from someone who weighs 350 lbs. Is the diabetes due to the fat or is the fat due to the diabetes? Yes, to both questions.
That may seem a contradiction, but the truth is that each contributes to the other. I’m fat because I’m diabetic, and I’m diabetic because I’m fat. Not all fat people will get diabetes. Genetics definitely plays a role. I’m going to go out on a limb here, though, and say that if you’re genetically predisposed to diabetes, the likelihood that you will develop it if you’re fat is near 100%; and you probably won’t if you stay fit (fit is more than weight). It’s a head-it-off-at-the-pass thing. Because you have the Type II genetic markers doesn’t mean you will become diabetic – it means you can. Now is the time to start worrying about it – before your pancreas gets stressed.
In the initial stages, type 2 diabetes is characterized by insulin resistance. The pancreas is still working, still producing insulin. During this initial phase, diabetes can generally be controlled through diet and exercise. It is crucial that diabetes come under control before the condition develops. To my chagrin, I may very well be at the end of that stage. I hope that I’m not too late because the thought of daily needles and dependence upon insulin isn’t a very attractive one.
So my journey begins to a healthier me. That means more than just weight. It’s important that the number on the blood sugar monitor is good. If it’s a choice between the monitor or the scale giving good news, the scale loses every time. But it’s that awful circle again, the scale causes the monitor to rise, and the monitor often causes the scale to rise.
My starting weight was 203. So far, I’ve lost fourteen of those pounds the old-fashioned way: calorie counting. It’s not glamorous or trendy, but it’s working.
Starting weight: 203.0
Today’s weight: 188.8
My thanks go to the regular weight loss bloggers as I guest blog each Sunday night. Make certain to read all of their interesting and informative posts.