There was a time when the home phone was the preferred method of keeping in touch with the outside world. Then technology advanced and what used to be an incredible invention that helped bridge the gap between friends and loved ones turned into a telemarketers weapon of choice… used to disrupt the family dinner hour (and various other hours of the day).
Well, here’s a way you can fight back. No, I am not referring to the “no-call list” (which I happen to be on, yet STILL get harassed by telemarketers). There is a new way to combat telemarketers (or ex-boyfriends)… the temporary, disposable phone number. The beauty of it: when you’re done with it, or if you’re getting harassed, you can ditch the number and move on.
So how does the new service work? It’s easy. There are several companies that offer the service–the one I researched is called “Private Phone.” You simply log onto their website, choose a state, an area code and a city, and viola–you are issued a temporary disposable number. The beauty of having the number is that it doesn’t ring to your home or cell phone, it isn’t listed in a phonebook or with directory assistance, and it won’t show up on an Internet search. Rather, each call is automatically forwarded to a personal voicemail box. When there’s a new message, you receive an alert. From there you can either check the voice messages on email, or through the phone.
The companies who offer the service say it comes in handy if you’re on the dating scene, or an online shopper… or simply need a number to give out to random businesses. (How many times has a Toys R Us cashier asked for your phone number?) It has also been proven to discourage telemarketers who obtain your phone number from store databases and via the Internet (telecommunications companies share information with their affiliates, hence the surplus of telemarketing calls). What’s more, you can have as many disposable numbers as you want… and you are able to eliminate a line at any time.
Another company offering a similar service is Jangl. In their case, you are issued an ID number to hand out. When someone wants to reach you they can either text your ID or plug it into Jangl’s website. After they do that they are given a disposable number they can call. The number then forwards to your real phone.
So how much is going to cost you to enjoy a call-free dinner hour? Private Phone is free, but additional services will cost you anywhere from $5-$15 a month. Meanwhile, according to Jangl’s website, the company is expanding its testing nationwide this fall and plans to have a paid service by early next year.
Disclaimer: Please note I am not saying that this product will completely eliminate telemarketers from targeting your home… it’s merely another option if you are looking to eat a meal in peace.