Pssssstttt…. Husbands… Here’s a great idea for a Valentine’s Day gift that your wife will enjoy for months to come. This year, instead of purchasing a bouquet of flowers that will soon be nothing more than a memory, consider choosing miniature rosebushes for Valentine’s Day. Not only will your wife enjoy the fragrant blooms now, and until it’s time to plant them in the spring, she’ll also have roses all summer long.
Choose a continuously blooming rosebush, so your wife can enjoy them indoors until spring and then outdoors throughout the summer. These rosebushes already have flowers on them and they are small enough to keep in the house until planting season.
An added benefit is that they also cost less than a dozen roses does. In fact, they are so affordable, you might want to buy her more than one. If you promise to plant them for her when the time comes, she will be delighted.
There are many different varieties, colors, and options from which to choose. You can select miniature rose bushes in special gift packaging, or in a plain pot wrapped in bright foil. Those with special packaging can be purchased from florists and you can also find them at Wal-Mart’s online store. If you check your local Wal-Mart, you should be able to find the simple packages. I saw them at my local super center, and that’s where I got the idea. I’m hoping my husband will read this and give me a miniature rosebush this Valentine’s Day too!
These rosebushes are not only the perfect way to celebrate Valentine’s Day and allow that special lady in your life to enjoy her roses longer, but they are also a perfect addition to your yard or garden. Your wife will smile at your thoughtful gift every time she steps outside.