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A Wedding Ring for Your Man?

Trends come and go in marriage as they do in other aspects of life. In my parent’s generation, the men never wore wedding rings. If you look around at many elderly men you will see few wedding rings.

By the time we Mick and I married there was so starting to change. Yet, even in my husband’s age group one time I looked around the guys we were with, some of whom were a few years younger than us, and Mick was he only man wearing a wedding ring.

Mick is not one for wearing jewelry apart from his watch, a dress ring I bought him, which he only wears when we go out and his wedding ring which has not been off his finger since the day it was put there. These days he wouldn’t be able to get it off without it getting cut off.

I know some women who don’t wear their wedding ring around the house or they take it off when having a shower or bath or washing up. I am not one of them. From the moment my wedding ring went on my finger that’s where it has stayed. Recently when I was in hospital they suggested it should come off. I told them it couldn’t happen and after they investigated they agreed.

Other women I know don’t even wear a wedding ring when they go out. Recently I saw an acquaintance with her wedding and engagement rings on when we went to dinner. Till that time I’d assumed she wasn’t married as she never wore a ring and never talked about her husband. It made me wonder why?

Today it is more common for men to wear a wedding ring just as it is more common or men to wear other forms of jewelry. Some couples have the same ring, which is what we have – a plain wide gold band. null Others, the husband’s ring is very different to that of the wife.

What if your husband to be “>didn’t want to wear a ring would you insist? Or if he had one and never wore it would you be suspicious or hurt because he didn’t want to wear it?

Of course a lot depends on the type of work the man does. If he is in a manual trade wearing a wedding ring all the time could prove dangerous, but what about when he goes out. Surely that is different or is it? The thing is that both of you need to talk about it and be comfortable with the decisions. But I’m glad my man wears his wedding ring. It was something we talked about before we married.

When asked why he wore a wedding ring, he said, ‘Because I want everyone to know I’m married.’ This is exactly why I wear mine and it has never been off my finger. As a result neither of us has ever lost our ring.

Please visit these related blogs

Where is my Wedding Ring?

A Symbol of Love

For Men Who Do Not Wear Their Wedding Band