“A Wizard Named Nell” is the first book in a series entitled “The Keepers,” which is fantasy geared toward the intermediate reading level. My daughter took one look at it and clamored to be next to read it, and I’ll have no problem at all letting her. It’s a fun adventure with just enough peril, but not too much.
Many hundreds of years ago, two wizard brothers fought for control of the land. The good wizard, desperate for his evil brother to be conquered, put himself and all his magic in a scepter that shone more brightly than the sun. As long as the scepter shines, the wicked brother is powerless. Powerful mages the kingdom over devote their lives to being “Keepers,” those who share their magic with the scepter to keep it shining. But a new Keeper is needed, and a suitable candidate hasn’t been found yet.
Nell, the princess of Xandria, has just turned eleven and is already exhibiting advanced magical talents. When a band of banshees attacks the castle, it is her skill that saves her people. She wants to visit the Imperial Wizard and apply to be an apprentice Keeper, but her father absolutely forbids it. She is to go to mage school, and that’s final.
She knows she can fulfill the quest, so she finds someone to take her place at mage school while she travels to find the Imperial Wizard. The only accomplice she can find is a boy, and a street urchin, at that. But she sends him in her place, wearing one of her dresses, and she sets out to see if she has what it takes to become a Keeper.
This book will appeal to your 8-12-year-old reader. You might enjoy it as well, although I can pretty much guarantee that Nell’s pet demi-dragon is going to get on your nerves.
(This book was published in 2003 by Aladdin Paperbacks.)
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