Have you ever watched an artist at work? Sometimes it’s hard to see how it can ever become a work of art. To begin with it often looks a mess. For example, what did Michelangelo see in a block of marble that made him create the statue of David?
As a writer, I never talk about or show anyone my work in progress. No-one ever hears anything about it, till it has got to the stage of being past first full draft and well into the revisions. Then, and only then, I might let other writers read it in a critique group and gauge their reactions. Apart from a critique group, no-one else (and that includes family,) reads it till the story or poem is published. It’s as though if I talk about if beforehand, I lose the impetus to write it.
My daughter was similar in that she hated anyone watching her paint, unlike the artists that used to descend on Millthorpe village for painting holidays and loved to have a crowd gather around them.
Or the artists that gathered around Sydney Harbour for Art at The Rocks.
It’s sometimes hard to gauge when things are in progress, how they will turn out. We were in Millthorpe when the television movie of Bryce Courtenay’s novel Jessica was being filmed. By the time we’d watched the same scene being shot several times, it had lost some of the appeal. When we saw the finished product, the scenes we saw being shot took up no more than a minute of air time. The scenes had to be looked at in the context of the movie.
You are a work in progress. Years ago I remember a sticker that said, a href=”http://http://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/Please+Be+Patient+God+Isn’t+Finished+with+Me+Yet”,a/>
Yesterday we saw God that, one day, we ill be changed and will be like Jesus. God wants us to be like His Son. It doesn’t matter how much change is required, God won’t give up on us. Like a movie producer, He’s going to keep working till He achieves what the desired result. Like a sculptor, God is going to keep chipping away at the rough edges in our lives, dealing with the sins and negatives in our personalities. He is going to keep refining us until we become like Jesus.
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