The AB Roller is a very popular device used to tone abs and other muscle groups. There are two basic designs. The first, a wheel with handles on either side is known for its ease in storage. This little device is used by rolling down to the floor and back on the knees over and over for as many reps as necessary. A comfort pillow allows the head to rest comfortably while moving up and down. Resistance is used to strengthen the back and other muscle groups. This can adjusted easily and allows for a harder workout when a person is ready for it. This AB roller tones the abs over time. It also tones the upper body including the back, shoulders, chest, and arms. The device rolls gently on the floor keeping the back aligned and supported while using.
The other type of AB roller is a device that looks like a chair. Sitting on the ground, using the bars to lift the body up and down, this device tones the abs quickly and easily. There are many benefits to both AB rollers. One is tighter abs. Having stronger abs not only looks great, but also improves posture, and speeds up the metabolism. It is recommended that ab exercises be performed at least three times a week to ensure the best workout. Having tight abs improves self-esteem. Toning up the abs does not take that long.
A steady workout for two months is all that is needed to tone and strengthen. Having toned abs will help posture and other muscle groups. When focusing on the abs, it is important to remember the other muscle groups as well. Combining this type of exercise with walking or running will ensure a overall workout which be more beneficial in the long run. Having a fit body will allow a person to have a more active lifestyle. Eating healthy and exercising is one way to ensure a long, healthy life.
The AB roller can be used on any flat surface. At home or at the gym, doing ab exercises has never been easier or more fun. It is important to use this piece of fitness equipment safely and carefully and not to overdo a workout. Stretching muscles is dangerous and can lead to permanent damage. When doing any type of ab workout, wait two hours after eating before using the ab roller. Drink plenty of water to keep the muscles limber.
Taking care of the body is a necessary part of exercising. The ab roller is a good exercise tool and is not expensive. Most fitness web sites sell this piece of equipment. Whether rolling on the ground or sitting in a chair like device, this piece of fitness equipment will last a long time.