I am a type A personality. I like organization, structure, and well thought out plans. When I set a goal, I do everything in my power (within reason) to reach that goal. Before my husband and I began trying to achieve our first pregnancy, I began extensive research on pregnancy. I researched all the possible birthing options in my area. What I discovered from my research was the tools to have the best possible outcome for pregnancy and birth. While both of my pregnancy and birth experience were different, my goal for a low risk and (mostly) complication free (the baby turned breech at thirty-five weeks with my first pregnancy and then turned head down a week later) pregnancy and birth were achieved.
While I knew very well that eating healthy was and is immensely important to a healthy low risk pregnancy, I did not quite understand exactly what truly eating healthy meant. After more research, I started to cleanse my eating habits. By my second pregnancy I had my healthy diet down and with the help of my midwife we tweaked my already quite excellent diet (there is always room for improvement of course) for pregnancy. Nutrition is absolutely essential for a low risk pregnancy.
Regular exercise is another contributor to a healthy low risk pregnancy. I began exercising regularly for the first time in my life during my first pregnancy. While I was always fairly slim, I was not “in shape.” I started with a fairly tame prenatal workout three to five times a week. I kept up the workout for the majority of my pregnancy. While I gained more weight than I wanted to with my first pregnancy (a grand total of forty eight pounds), I still maintained a healthy low risk pregnancy. After loosing the bulk of my “baby weight” and maintaining a consistent and very regular workout routine, I entered my second pregnancy “in shape” and even more dedicated to continuing a moderate intensity workout regime for the duration of my pregnancy.
The result of eating healthy before, during, and after pregnancy has proven to be the best way for me to achieve a low risk pregnancy without complications. Combined with a regular workout routine, I was able to keep myself healthy which resulted in a healthy pregnancy (and baby) and ended with a complication free natural birth (at home).