We often hear that God is a God of love and He is. He is also a God of judgment as we see in Isaiah 3. The thing is that God’s judgment does arrive without Him first giving His people warning of what is to come if they do not change their ways.
Isaiah 3:1-8 God warns He will divest Judah of leadership supports because of defiant deeds.
While we might criticize these people for not listening to Isaiah’s prophecy and the warning God gave, how often do we refuse to listen to what God is saying to us? Maybe we refuse to read His Word as often as we should because we are afraid He will put his finger on some sin we don’t want to give up? If we don’t change our ways we will suffer judgment as God’s people of the Old Testament did. With that in mind, what in your speech or deeds needs to be changed?
Isaiah 3:9-12 Judah declared her deeds defiantly
God’s people stand accused. Isaiah tells them they have ‘brought evil on themselves,’ verse 9 by their defiant behavior and by flaunting their sin.
Are you defying God’s presence in your life? How can you change that this week? None of us are perfect. We all sin. What matters is how we deal with our sin. Do you confess your sin to God? How do you declare your sins to God, defiantly, proudly or in an attitude of repentance?
Actions have consequences. How different is both the attitude and the response of God to the righteous.. God promises that it will all ‘go well’ with the righteous, verse 10. If God’s people had been righteous they could have expected God’s blessings.
Isaiah 3:13-4:1 God declares judgment on Judah, divesting them of riches.
The Lord’s judgment would come on his people, because they refused to repent. It will come on us too if we refuse to repent. Maybe it has already. Has the Lord had to take something away from you, to cause you to repent of past sins? If not, don’t wait till He has to take such drastic action. Repent now of whatever sin God is talking to you about.
Bible veres from the New American Standard Version
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