If you are single and considering adoption, then your choice is doubly difficult. Not only do you need to decide if adoption is right for you, there is the added concern of whether or not you are prepared to be a single parent.
There are several things you should consider as you make the choice about whether or not you should adopt as a single parent:
Do you want to adopt?
This question is the same for every person. Do you want to be an adoptive parent? Do you feel comfortable with raising a child who is not biologically related to you? Are you willing to take on the extra challenges that sometimes come with an adoptive child? For more information on deciding if adoption is right for you, see my blogs titled Should I Adopt, Part 1 and Should I Adopt, Part 2.
Do you have a support system?
As a single adoptive parent, you will need a support system. Any single parent needs support from friends and family, but for a single adoptive parent, this is even more important. You will need a support system during ever step of your adoption journey. The need for support starts at the beginning when you are deciding if you adopt. Then, there is the long, exhausting wait for your child to come home. Finally, there are the trials and joys that come with parenting.
It is important that you have people around you who can help you through each step. This is not to say that you have to have the approval of everyone around you, but it is important to have a few key people in your corner.
For more information on single parent adoption, check out the Adoption.com Single Parent Adoption Forum.
For general information on single parenting, see the Families.com Single Parenting Blogs