In Adventures of the Stockpiling Queen (1), I shared “how a desire to save money and be prepared for anything creates a kingdom onto itself.” If you answered yes to the questions I asked, you, too, may be stockpiling royalty. I also shared the one thing that I keep hidden from my husband.
Read on for the rest of my stockpiling adventures, including the reasons I stockpile…
Stocking up also gives me a sense of security. I can whip up pretty much anything anyone wants for dinner, even if unexpected company drops by. Sure when they go to hang their coats up I’ll have to remind them to don the bicycle helmet we keep by the hall closet for protection from falling food hazards, but guests of mine will never starve.
I know that if we hit a stretch of bad weather, I could run the household as if it were its own little island. In the event of a flood, we could simple tie the extra packs of diapers together and float away to safety. In case of emergency, please remain seated in an upright position. The baby wipe containers you find under your chair can also be used as floatation devices.
I recognize that stocking up isn’t for everyone, of course. Most people don’t want to have to move produce to vacuum behind the couch. Fortunately, my husband, a goodly knight, picked a house with ample closet space. It is one of the reasons I married him. He is also a very kindhearted and tolerant man, especially when being hit over the head by stray boxes of pasta that come tumbling out of the cabinet. I remind him that each of the 12 boxes now lying at his feet were free after coupons. He smiles and shakes his head at me. “You are the Queen,” he says and offers a kiss. Ah, it’s good to be royalty.
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Adventures of the Stockpiling Queen (1)
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