Creating simple, inexpensive storage solutions has become quite an industry. There are so many different types of storage containers available that homeowners hardly know where to start. While many are very easy to use, affordable, and even attractive, the typical designs may not work in the smallest spaces. Homes that are truly limited for storage space will benefit from these innovative, inexpensive storage solutions.
Ziploc Big Bags
We all know the Ziploc name well. They make great bags from sandwich bags to freezer bags, but they also make great storage bags, called Ziploc Big Bags.
The design features a pleated bottom, making the bags easy to fill. They are made from heavy-duty plastic and of course come complete with handles and the renowned Ziploc seal. They promise protection against dampness, insects, and dust, and you can store nearly anything inside them from extra bedding to sports equipment. Since they are more pliable than storage boxes, they are easier to squeeze into tight spaces.
Ziploc Big Bags come in two sizes, the “Xtra” Large, which is 2′ x 1.7′ and contains four bags to a box, or the “XXtra” Large, which measures 2′ x 2.7′ and contains three bags to a box. They are very affordable at about $7.00 per box.
*Ziploc also participates in the Box Tops for Education program.
Space Bags
You may have seen Space Bags on TV. This revolutionary product lets you increase your storage space by shrinking cloth items to about 1/3 of their regular size. Fill and seal the bag then remove the air with your vacuum hose. Space bags keep out moisture, dust, and insects, and can be used again and again.
Space bags are available in different sizes and styles, and they can be purchased in combo sets. The first combo set offers one Jumbo Space Bag, which is 36″ x 52″ and two Large Space Bags, which are 22″ x 34″. The Super Combo Set offers two medium Space Bags, two large, and one extra large. Each set costs around $20.00.
WARNING: Like any other plastic bags, these storage bags are not toys, and they can cause suffocation.
*Check out this cool site, where you can find TV products for less, including Space Bags.