Awww! I can almost hear you saying, “Cleaning up is no fun!” You might be surprised to find out that I agree with you. I would much rather be doing something else like making stuff instead of cleaning up. But, wait, you might not realize that there is something really good about cleaning up when it comes to crafts.
As you’re taking down all those cool things you made, you can save some for next year. You know what else? Some crafts will be things you have to take apart. I have thought up some great ideas while doing that! When you’re putting away pinecones from one project, you might just think of something else to do with them, so make sure you save all the stuff that’s still good. You can use it again later.
Another great thing up cleaning up after the holidays and putting away all your craft projects is that it’s a really nice way to help your mom and dad and show them how much you appreciate all the hard work they put into making the holidays nice.
You know what else is cool? When your brothers and sisters are taking down their stuff and putting it away, you might just find something they have that you’d like. They might trade with you.
So, even though the actual act of cleaning up may not be much fun, there might be some good things that come from it (besides a nice, neat house). When you’re all done, you’ll feel good about it and then you can do something fun, maybe something like this: Learn to Draw!
I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.
*Be sure to check back because soon there will be lots of ideas for fun stuff to do and make for Christmas. It’s going to be here real soon, so make sure Santa sees you being good!