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After the Vendor Event…..

The event is over. Your feet are killing you, and you just want to go home. You have plans of relaxing in the tub, playing with your kids and just forgetting about your business for a few days. Ahhhh…….

Stop right there. It’s not over, it’s just beginning!

Now that you have worked an event, you just increased your customer base by 1 to 100 or more customers! Are you going to let them lose your number or are you going to show them what A++ customer service is all about?

I am going to liken this to you shopping at a cool new store!

A new store just opens. You are out with your friends and stop in to check it out. You see some things you really like but do not have time to buy or maybe you left your checkbook at home. You leave the store and forget about those cool items — maybe a new outfit, belt, awesome smelling candle, accessory for over your fireplace…you decide.

A few days later you get a call from the sales person wanting to thank you for stopping by and asking if there is anything she can do for you! Even if you are still not ready to purchase, she asks you about your needs and finds out that you will be redecorating in a few months and offers to call you back to see if she can be of service then. Maybe you can’t get that belt out of your mind and since she is putting in an order, you might as well buy it! Whatever your needs, you keep her in mind.

Scenario 2:

You get a new catalog in the mail or someone hands it to you. What do you do with it? You circle everything you want, put it aside, and forget about it. You think about it a few days later meaning to pick up the phone but right when you are about to do it, the doorbell rings. Three weeks later you come across the catalog and make a note to call, putting it back in a pile. Two months later you are cleaning the house and just toss it.

If someone had just called you to take your order you would not have forgotten to do it!
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Our job is about helping others to fulfill their needs. Use the phone to turn those leads into money and long-term customers.

I know picking up the phone can be intimidating. I am always worried about bugging the other person. However, most of the time I am so glad I called! Now go be successful!

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About Debbie LaCroix

Debbie is a work at home mom to two active boys. She is the owner of http://www.passiontosuccess.com, a website that offers tools , information, job listings and a message board to help you succeed. If you want to work from home, come visit. Her passion is her children and she is an Usborne Books rep (www.goreadtoday.com). Debbie graduated with a degree in Journalism and a minor in Sociology. She worked in TV, radio, newspaper and advertising. Debbie began staying home when her oldest was born. She was bored and fell into direct sales, where she soon became successful. When not working from home or playing, Debbie loves to write and spend time with her husband. They have begun date nights once a month after realizing that it is too easy to get lost in being a mom and working. Her best piece of advice: Follow your heart. It will lead you in the right direction.