He likes football. She can’t stand it. He likes motorcross racing. The noise gives her a headache. She likes watching romantic movies. He’d rather die. She likes going hiking. He feigns a bad back whenever she suggests it.
In every marriage, you’ll find that you have differences. This is part of what keeps your relationship spicy. Imagine if you were married to someone exactly like you … I think you’d get pretty bored, pretty fast. After all, if you were the only person you needed, why get married? We marry, in part, to bring other thoughts and ideas into our lives. This means that in some cases, you’ll compromise, and in some cases, you’ll agree to disagree. My husband will sit down and watch “Pride and Prejudice” with me – the Colin Firth version, which is the only true version – but he won’t watch “Dancing with the Stars.” He’ll quietly go in the other room or pull out a book.
It’s completely normal to find things on which you don’t agree. But it’s absolutely crucial that you agree on the things that matter most in your lives. If religion is important to you, you should support each other in your beliefs. This isn’t to say that you both have to belong to the same denomination, but rather, that you should allow your spouse to worship in the way they choose and encourage them in it. When it comes to raising children, your ideals should be in harmony. You should talk together about how to spend your money. You should come to an agreement about your future goals and what you want out of life.
Marriage is hard. It’s wonderful, but it’s hard. If you can have a series of open, honest conversations and share your feelings about the important issues in your life, and really hear what your spouse is saying back to you, it will be a blessing in your life. Then, if you can reach agreement on the things that matter most to you, you’ll have more peace and harmony in your home. Ideally, this kind of conversation would take place while dating or while engaged, but hey, it’s better to talk things over later than never!
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