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Ahhh, Technology

Can you imagine what it was like to churn your own butter, make your own clothes and then wash them in a nearby creek? Just the thought of the amount of work that went into keeping a family clothed and fed in pioneer days makes me tired. The time and energy that went into maintaining a home is mind boggling.

Luckily for us, we have all of these modern conveniences. We have dishwashers to wash our dishes , washing machines to clean our clothes and vacuum cleaners to keep our floors clean. Lawn mowers are self propelled or riding, there are automatic sprinklers to keep our lawns and gardens watered, grocery stores on every corner and we don’t have to take a horse and buggy to get there.

Our homes should be spotlessly clean, all the time, our families should have wonderful meals, lovingly prepared and we should have all the free time in the world to pursue the things we enjoy.

Yet we don’t. Why is this? It’s thanks to even more modern conveniences I have the best intentions, I’m going to do the yard work or the laundry or fix dinner, right after I check my email. I check my email and maybe there is something in there that leads me to a Google search, if not, I’ll just check Facebook really fast, and then I’ll be done.

I need to write a few blogs so I do a quick search to find something interesting to write about and before you know it I’m reading about Lindsey Lohan’s latest mishap or the Kardashians, always the Kardashians.

I think I might be better off with fewer conveniences. I would get more work done without the siren song of my computer and the friends who live in there. My house would be clean, my laundry done, my family fed, but how would I live without my daily dose of gossip?