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Akavar 20/50: Day 1 (-4lbs)

I lost 4 pounds in 24 hours.

I started the day with only six hours of sleep. That usually has me at borderline diabetic and craving starchy carbohydrates all day. I took one serving of Ultimate Orange, went to the gym and did 20 minutes of interval training on the elliptical trainer and then one set to failure on the chest press and flye machines. I was in and out of the gym in less than 45 minutes.

Breakfast was a peanut butter sandwich made on a croissant. (I also had my usual pot of weak coffee.) As this doubles for my post-workout meal, I don’t feel very guilty for the high calories. Then I took the Akavar (2 capsules). Oddly enough, after the chocolate cupcake craving passed, I really wasn’t focused on eating. In what was probably my own way of showing defiance against the packaging, I ate potato chips and a couple handfuls of Ritz bits throughout the day. Lunch was two fat free, kosher hot dogs on white rolls with ketchup, then two more Akavar capsules before dinner. Dinner was a single taco (homemade) and before bed I drank one serving of chocolate whey protein powder. Never, since Phen-Fen have I had so little inclination to eat. The chips and crackers were just one or two here and there and I couldn’t even finish the hot dogs.

I was a skeptic, but I have to say that I really had no desire to sit and eat in quantity like I might after so little sleep. I think it was the skeptic in me that allowed me to eat the things I wouldn’t normally (chips). It wasn’t the healthiest way to go but I was feeling rather defiant considering the promise on the box “Eat all you want and still lose weight…” As for my energy levels, they didn’t flag all day and there was no jittery feeling whatsoever. Over the course of the day, I drank about two quarts of water (my usual minimum).

Considering the four pounds lost were the same four that I usually waffle on every month, I’m not getting too excited and you shouldn’t either. Today will be the real test. If I go below 215 (yes, I gained a LOT of baby weight) then we may just have a winner.

I’ll keep you posted!