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Alternatives to Going to the Gym

During the month of January work out facilities, the YMCA and local gyms explode with new members. January is the month of resolutions and the number one resolution is losing weight. A logical step in losing weight is working out. A logical place to work out is in an established fitness center. So, one thing leads to another and the fitness centers are slammed. The wait for a treadmill could rival the wait for Space Mountain. Then something strange happens in February. By the time Valentine’s Day rolls around the treadmill is not longer the most popular machine on the fitness floor. There is no longer a wait to walk or run indoors going to no where. What changed? Resolutions were broken, forgotten about and abandoned thus leaving the treadmill alone.

Let’s face it, the gym is not for everyone. Some find it intimidating while others find it boring. Walking to nowhere indoors or climbing stairs only to stay on the same level loses a thrill. Without a gym to work out in many lose hope and go on about their daily lives only to tease the treadmill again the next year.

There are alternatives to the gym. A gym provides a place to work out and get in shape. However, it is not necessary to go to a gym to attain your goals. What alternatives to you have?

Sports: find a sport you enjoy and find a place to play.

Martial Arts: a great way to work out and learn a new skill.

Dance: take a dance class or two and have fun while burning calories.

Hiking: Get outside and let nature help you burn those calories.

Skiing: a fun way to burn calories outside in the winter.

Gardening: a fun way to burn calories in the spring and summer.

Mix up activities all year long to stay active and healthy while not going to the gym. Working out is not the only way to stay in shape. The point is to burn calories and get your heart rate up. A good swim, hike or time in a dance studio can do just that. Find your niche and lose weight!

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About Richele McFarlin

Richele is a Christian homeschooling mom to four children, writer and business owner. Her collegiate background is in educational psychology. Although it never prepared her for playing Candyland, grading science, chasing a toddler, doing laundry and making dinner at the same time.