I barely have enough time in the day to use the bathroom, let alone complete a few scrapbook layouts before the late news comes on. Yet, somehow, my neighbor manages to whip together amazingly detailed page designs in the time it takes me to clean-up the mess from dinner. By the end of the night, Super Scrapper has crafted at least four layouts and is busy organizing her stash for the next night’s session.
When I asked her how she is able to be so productive in such a short period of time she responded: “I’m always scrapbooking.”
What she means is that she is constantly bouncing ideas around in her head, and she never leaves home without her pocket-sized notebook. My neighbor is a fiend about jotting down journaling ideas and other ways to improve her layout designs. By having pen and paper available at all times, she can document her thoughts and implement her ideas at the drop of a hat.
My neighbor also carries her smartphone with her 24/7. Since it’s like another appendage, she has the ability to capture photos for her scrapbook at any point during the day or night. Having a camera with you at all times enables you to capture unexpected moments and place them front and center on a scrapbook layout. In addition, the more you use your smartphone to snap scrapbook photos, the better your pictures will turn out. For example, it took a while before my neighbor figured out that she needed to take her thumb off the shutter button on her phone’s touch screen before the image was snapped. Now, she knows how to work her camera feature like a pro and the pictures she displays in her memory books are incredible.
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