is the best online shopping stop. You can buy almost everything there and the prices are good. The user reviews are worthwhile and helpful. I have rethought my buying choices based on reviews on the site.
You can create lists to remember things that you want to get. I have a list dedicated to books on parenting that I want to look into. I am the parent of a very strong-willed toddler and need good ideas on what to do. I have lists for each of the girls so I can keep tabs on things I want to get for them and I can share the lists with the grandparents.
Amazon is pretty reasonable on shipping. If items qualify, you can spend $25 and get free super saver shipping. I don’t know if that’s really a good thing, though, because I’ve been known to spend a little more just to get free shipping.
I try to not buy from outside merchants on Amazon because the prices aren’t usually that good and shipping bargains don’t often apply. I will, however, buy items from individual sellers. Buying books, DVDs and video games that others don’t want any more is cost effective. I’ve compared shipping on used against free shipping on new and usually come out ahead used.
I am now a member of Amazon Mom. Amazon Mom is a wonderful thing and anyone can be a member, although it mostly benefits parents of small children. As an Amazon Mom member, you get several months of Amazon Prime free two-day shipping. You can buy a large number of items in Amazon’s Baby Store and each time you buy more than $25, you get another month of Amazon Prime. I’ve used my membership to buy diapers. The prices are good and the diapers show up at the door.