While we were sitting there across from the biological mother of our children one thing was obvious. When you looked at her you see finger print bruises, hand shaped bruises and what looked like a belt mark across her arms. The case workers asked her husband to leave the room as he would have to now be included in the reunification plan and they need to do some background checks on him first. We also left the room and waited with Rebecca in a room while they finished the meeting with her. When we were all out of the room they asked her about her bruises and she stated that she fell.
I know that a lot of abused women tell excuses to explain the bruises that they have. But you do not get hand, finger and belt mark bruises from falling. The case workers explained to her that he would have to participate in counseling, anger management and any other items that they wanted on the reunification plan that will put together. She was also asked why she never mentioned that they were dating and why they got married so fast. She never really answered this but our best guess is that they thought it would help her getting the baby back.
I am sorry that she was being abused by her new husband but I was hopeful that this would kill the reunification plan. Why would CPS consider placing Rebecca in an abusive home? The case worker did say that this new addition to her family would make reunification less likely.
We got back in the car and headed back home and all we kept talking about was the meeting and her obvious bruises. I have never been in an abusive relationship before and I just don’t understand the mindset of an abused woman. Why would she want to bring a baby into that?