Newsletters can be a source of things to be thankful for. This morning three newsletters arrived in my inbox. I am thankful for each one and God’s timing in bringing them along today.
The first was from the publisher Allen and Unwin. Although the subject was about writing, 4 Brainstorming Guidelines for Getting Ideas, the principles could as easily apply to counting blessings as well. Check out the guidelines and you’ll see what I mean. Then apply them to counting your blessings and developing an attitude of thankfulness.
The second one titled ‘The Writing Life’ pointed me to the Paulo Coelho site about seeing what is right in front of our eyes and planting seeds. If we are a Christian, those blessings of answered prayer and the hope of heaven are ours. That’s what we are doing by making a list of blessing. We are planting seeds of thankfulness that will bring fruit.
The third was a link in the Encouraging Words Daily devotional for women (There’s no reason men can’t read it too) The link is to an article, ‘The Gift of Gratitude’ and the experience and outlook of one woman who has proved this attitude of gratitude and of counting the blessings in her life.
The other things that made me thankful was a blogs by Courtney. It made me realize anew how blessed I am to have a husband who will willingly watch ‘chick flicks’ and who even read and enjoy some of the same books I do, like Fannie Flagg’s ‘Standing in the Rainbow’ and ‘I can’t wait to get to Heaven’. It’s great to be able to share and talk about the movies we have seen together or books we’ve both read.
Yes, there are other areas in both movies and books where we diverge greatly but over the years we have become a little more alike in our tastes. That’s part of the give and take of being married.
As I thought about my list of 25 blessings I saw how easy it would be to keep going, I’m sure I could easily list 100, but don’t want to bore you. I’d rather hear you have started your own lists of blessings.
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