Politicians make them all the time and though sometimes they are kept, other times they are forgotten, ignored or reneged on. Advertisers make them about their products, and too often we find their claims are not true. What am I talking about? Yes, you guessed it promises. Promises are an important aspect of marriage
When we married we made promises in front of witnesses that we would love, honor and cherish or obey, depending on the version of the marriage ceremony used, our spouse. At the time we, hopefully, believed we meant it. But what about when we find that the marriage is not working out as we expected and it is all too hard? That’s when we need to remember those promises we made.
One of the ways of remembering those promises is thinking back to your wedding day or even before. What was it that first attracted you to your spouse? What was it that made you fall in love with them? What was it about them that made you promise to love them till death parted you? Remember how you felt back then and then remember the promises you made and resolve to keep your promise.
Another aspect of promises is that of making sure we are in the habit, not just of keeping that major promise but attempting to keep all our promises. We’ve probably all had the experience at some time of having people promise to do something and then it never eventuates. There can be all sorts of reasons and excuses why it doesn’t occur as promised. And then people get disappointed, hurt and upset. It’s a good idea not to make promises unless you are sure you are going to be able to keep them. It’s better to say ‘I’ll try,’ rather than make a promise if there is any likelihood of it not being able to be met.
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