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An MP3 Player for Your Baby

Mais oui–c’est vrai! Leave it to the French to come up with an MP3 player that’s advertised for the 0-5 set. Yes, that’s 0 as in the baby just entered the world. Is it me or does it seem odd that you can give birth and then receive an MP3 player for your little tyke in the hospital?

Your precious baby could be listening to his very own tunes, on his very own MP3 player named P’tit Bidou (the blue one) or P’tit Zazine (the pink one). I am a little surprised that a company that has the foresight to think of creating an MP3 player for infants has not come up with a gender neutral one like P’tit Dominique, (in green of course)? Surely someone will want to buy one for their friend’s baby shower where she doesn’t know the baby’s gender. Surely. . .

Are you wondering yet what exactly you download into an MP3 player made specifically for infants? Well, their music store has it all. Everything from lullabies, to acoustic guitar and percussion to common nursery stories. If you would think you’d want it for an infant’s MP3 player–it’s there.

But don’t go running out yet with your $93 dollars to buy it just yet. It actually has not come out in the United States yet. Right now it is only being sold in France. I couldn’t find a release date for the United States or any other country. But I have to believe that it’s not that far away. When I was a kid, I played with wooden blocks. When my oldest was a baby, there were lots of wooden toys and some electronic ones, and some plastic ones. Tonight we went shopping for the twins’ birthday and I’m telling you I couldn’t find one thing for them that didn’t have some kind of electronic voice on it, or lights or music. No doubt about it, wired babies are the new thing.

I am confused on one point though. On their website, they said that these MP3 players were made at the requests of parents. The company, apparently takes very seriously the suggestions of its potential customers. Maybe I’m just way out of touch with French culture but for the life of me I cannot imagine parents actually requesting to get their infants an MP3 player. Perhaps French babies don’t throw things out of their strollers just to get the adults around them to pick the projectile up. But I can’t imagine any of my five children actually keeping something like this in their stroller (or crib, or exersaucer) without me gluing it to their forehead.

With that said, my own children will have to survive without their MP3 players. The twins birthday was today and instead of high tech gadgets, we just got them bubbles, playground balls, and sidewalk chalk. They were very happy even though they are, apparently, desparately behind the times.